The illustrated translation of part four [pages 633-695] of this book, titled ‘Instruments and devices used for transfusion’, documents the different, sometimes very complicated, pieces of equipment used for direct and indirect transfusion, many of which appear to have been produced to some degree by the desire of individual physicians and equipment makers to design and market their own device.
The translation of part four [pages 101-125] of this book, titled ‘The technique of transfusion’, describes and illustrates seventeen different blood transfusion devices, including the direct transfusion device of von Graefe, a large number of different types of syringes used for indirect blood transfusions, i.e. by von Graefe, Blundell, Martin, Demme, Eulenburg & Landois, Uterhart and Mosler, the ‘assisted pressure’ devices of von Graefe, Mathieu, Moncoq-Mathieu and Richardson, as well as the ‘newly published’ items of equipment devised by Gesselius and Roussel.
The translation of the chapter ‘Processes and instruments’ [pages 252-287] of this book includes the author’s description of what he believes to be the ‘ideal’ requirements of transfusion equipment, concentrates on describing and illustrating direct transfusion devices the author benefits from the fact that unlike others he is not ‘promoting’ his own transfusion device and as such provides a balanced critique of some of these..
The translation of the chapter ‘Surgical methods: Instruments’ [pages 316-325] of this book the author includes only a relatively short section on the methods used for blood transfusion in which he concentrates more on the surgical techniques used for the different types of transfusion rather than on the instruments used to achieve it, and in this respect the author presents a completely different approach to his colleagues of that same era.
An English translation of the ‘Instruments’ section of chapter 4 (pages 316-351) in which the author documents, illustrates and comments on some of the different instruments that are available at that time for the direct and indirect transfusion of natural and defibrinated blood, as well as comments on the measurement of the amount of blood transfused.
An English translation of the ‘Operating Procedure’ section (pages 56-67) of this book in which the author details the use of his device for the transfusion of defibrinated blood.