Articles and information written by Phil Learoyd that relate to the history of blood transfusion.
A 25-page illustrated booklet summarising the early history of blood transfusion prior to the 20th century.  Note: This booklet has been revised and updated (April 2021) to replace earlier versions that have been independently/unofficially placed onto the internet.
An article that illustrates an early report of a blood transfusion that was performed by James Blundell and published in the Lancet in 1829 titled ‘Successful Case of Transfusion’.
Short illustrated notes on a variety of significant aspects relating to the early history of blood transfusion [based on material originally compiled as a handout for delegates at the 2009 Annual Conference of the British Blood Transfusion Society].
An article documenting the development and use of pooled plasma and freeze dried plasma for transfusion in England during and following WW2.
An article that documents the development of voluntary blood donation in England following the pioneering work of Percy Lane Oliver in 1921.
This article documents the development of basic manual laboratory techniques used for blood grouping and antibody detection.
A short account of the life and work of Claudius Galenus (‘Galen’) and the physician William Harvey, related to the circulation of blood.
An article about Oswald Hope Robertson (1886-1966) who is credited with being one of the first people to employ (indirect) blood transfusion in France during WW1 using stored group O blood collected into a citrate-glucose solution.
Information from an article published in the journal The Practitioner which gives an historical insight into the workings of the (then) NBTS up to 1965 when the article was written.
An article about Dr James Blundell’s first successful blood transfusion using an indirect syringe technique to a patient suffering from gastric carcinoma with pyloric obstruction performed on the 26th September 1818.
This article presents information about the first person to practically employ ‘pre-transfusion testing’ as a means of assessing donor and recipient blood ABO compatibility prior to transfusion.
An illustrated article that describes the preparation, provision and use of glass bottles and rubber tubing administration (‘giving’) sets used for blood transfusion in England in the 1950s-1960s.
An article that highlights some of the documentation / processes for blood donation in England using the blood donation certificates and letters from a man who donated blood in England between 1931-1939 and 1947-1953.
An illustration of this syringe is provided together with a reproduction of a document originally produced in 1925 describing the syringe and its use.
An article introducing the work of Tom Richards together with a copy of his article on Percy Oliver published in the St Ives Times & Echo and produced as a pamphlet by the Oliver Memorial Fund.
This material includes an article written by Mr Peter Howell titled ‘Start Bleeding’ on the life and work of Dr (later Dame) Janet Vaughan which includes ‘display items’ that he used at a British Blood Transfusion Society Annual Meeting, together with the transcript of an interview given by Janet Vaughan with Max Blythe in November 1987.
An article describing this meeting, held on the 1st May 1959 at the ‘Regional Transfusion Centre’, Brooklands Avenue, Cambridge, which includes photographs of the delegates who attended and a description of the papers presented, together with a link to the original conference booklet.
Notes regarding the creation and early developmental history of the individual Blood Centres created in England and Wales during and after WW2.
A collection of images of the equipment and descriptions of the techniques published by twenty-six different people between 1667 and 1892 inclusive that were used for infusion or blood transfusion, together within information of some of these people.
All entries from volumes I and II (i.e. 2 Jan 1661 to 21 Dec 1671) of Thomas Birch’s ‘History of the Royal Society London’ relating to infusion and blood transfusion have been extracted and are presented together with comments and relevant references.
Extracts taken from Robert Boyle’s letters published in the fifth volume of ‘The Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle’ that contain information regarding infusion and blood transfusion, presented together with comments and relevant references.